The Chile-California Conference


November 1, 2014

Event Description

The Chile-California Conference is an annual event created in 2012 by the Chilean Student Associations of UC Berkeley, Stanford and UC Davis. Its objective is fostering a constructive dialogue between academics, students, entrepreneurs, and professionals from both Chile and California to promote exchange of ideas and international collaboration.


This year’s conference will feature speakers including Juan Gabriel Valdés, Chile’s ambassador to the United States, and Professors Emmanuel Saez and Paul Pierson of UC Berkeley.

More Information

Read "Inequality: Unrigging the Game" by Carola Binder in the Fall 2015 Berkeley Review of Latin American Studies.

Professors Emmanuel Saez and Paul Pierson, Democracy and Society

Democracy and Society: Emmanuel Saez and Paul Pierson

Ambassador Juan Gabriel Valdés, The Challenge of Development in Chile

The Challenge of Development in Chile