Screening: The Word in the Woods

Written and directed by Jeffrey L. Gould and Carlos Henriquez Consalvi (United States, 2012)

Film screening and Director's talk

November 23, 2015

Event's video

The Word in the Woods


In the early 1970s, hundreds of impoverished people living in remote Morazán, El Salvador, decided to emulate early Christian communities by working the land together, studying the Bible, and building villages based on solidarity. As their numbers grew, the Salvadoran government came to see them as a threat. The base communities organized to resist the repressive tactics of the National Guard in the late ‘70s, and during the ’80s fought what would become a 12-year civil war. 56 minutes. Spanish with English subtitles.

Event Description

The documentary will be followed by a conversation with filmmaker Jeffrey Gould.


Jeffrey L. Gould is the James H. Rudy Professor of History at Indiana University. The Word in the Woods is his second documentary film.


Co-sponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies and the Department of History at UC Berkeley.