Chile’s Constitutional Process: What Went Wrong and How to Move Forward


Since the return of democracy in 1990 after Augusto Pinochet’s 17-year dictatorship, Chile, while being praised for its democratic stability and economic growth, has rarely been in the global spotlight. That changed drastically in October 2019, when after an increase of 30 pesos (3 cents) in the subway fare high school students led a call for fare evasions, and Chilean police responded with violent repression. These events ultimately triggered the largest protests in Chile’s democratic history, bringing millions of people into the streets throughout the country. The protests didn’t have a clear group of leaders or unifying demands, but instead reflected a general feeling of precariousness, distrust of politicians, and discontent with the prevailing socioeconomic model. Over the course of the movement, protestors presented a wide array of diverse demands that were unified through the concept of “dignity.”

Publication date: 
October 25, 2022
Publication type: 
Blog Entry