Angling towards Antarctica: A preliminary study of scientific "expedition" tourism in Ushuaia, Argentina


This Tinker-funded trip served as a preliminary investigation of the geopolitics and place-branding of Ushuaia, Argentina--a city alternately known as the "end of the world" and "gateway to Antarctica." Previously, during my Masters, I undertook a small side project on investigative journalism in El Salvador. Although the context of this project is markedly different, I retain a focus on processes of meaning-making and the representation of place. While in Argentina, I began to establish a network of contacts and refine my research questions. For others conducting similar fieldwork, I would recommend reaching out to local academics well in advance of arriving in order to set up meetings and learn of other potential contacts. At this stage, any report of the uses of results of my research would be premature. That being said, my time in Ushuaia has been invaluable in the development of my research foci and guiding questions. It also had the effect of improving my Spanish language skills exponentially.

Robyn Taylor-Neu
Publication date: 
August 30, 2018
Publication type: 
Student Research