CHILE: From Student Movements to Congress


Giorgio Jackson went from student leader to the most popular member of Chile's congress in the blink of an eye.

Former student movement leader Giorgio Jackson is 31 years old, and he has already been elected deputy to the Chilean Congress, twice. Speaking at an October 2018 event organized by the Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) at UC Berkeley, Jackson got straight to the bottom line: “The main thesis is to aggregate the demand for change within the system.” As a founder of the Revolución Democrática (RD, Democratic Revolution) party and the Frente Amplio (FA, Broad Front) coalition, Jackson has defined his politics by bringing together diverse forces for change, fueling this effort with a bold progressive vision and a strong pragmatic desire to make things happen.

James Gerardo Lamb
Publication date: 
August 15, 2018
Publication type: 
Berkeley Review of Latin American Studies Article