PERU: Reflections of Tupac Amaru


Rebel hero Tupac Amaru has fascinated generations as an international icon and leading figure in Peruvian history.

The Tupac Amaru Rebellion stormed through the Andes from 1780 to 1783. The largest uprising in colonial Spanish-American history, it stretched from its base just south of Cuzco, Peru, into Charcas, in present-day Bolivia, with parallel skirmishes and revolts in what became Chile, Argentina, and Colombia. Rebels sacked haciendas, torched textile mills, and harangued the indigenous peasantry in the Inca language, Quechua, to rise up against the Spanish. The rebels presented a complex platform that included Inca revivalism and the abolition of a series of taxes and impositions on indigenous people.

Charles Walker
Publication date: 
August 21, 2014
Publication type: 
Berkeley Review of Latin American Studies Article